Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I'd like to build the world a printer, in perfect harmony.

I'd like the printer to print itself, a make another copy.

That's the song this company sings, let the world copy away.

A song of a printer that never goes away.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Facebook follies...

In my experimentation with Twitter I've created a Facebook account (gave into peer pressure). It's actually be a pretty good experience. I've found a lot of family/friends with relatively little detective work involved. It's like you're supposed to find people on Facebook or something.

It's also worthy to note that you can use Twitter on the Facebook page to update your whereabouts. I'll post something more in depth on both Twitter & Facebook in a short bit. I just want to make sure I give both sites/services a proper run through.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hello All,

I've come across this service called Twitter. It's kind of like a way to mini-blog your life.

The idea is that you send 140 character (maximum) updates on your whereabouts, activities, and day dreams. People can "follow" you and you can "follow" others. And hopefully along the way people get to know you better by what you decide are important activities to twitter (not sure that should be a verb) about. Then you get to know what affects people in a daily unobtrusive way.

I'm trying to decide if it's technology that makes life better or noisier. I'm going to experiment with when and how to twitter and whether or not it's only useful for someone in high school.

In attempt to be fair about it, I'm going to try using it for 2 weeks and report back on the experiment.

Here's where I need your help. I would like to follow and be followed. It would be nice to have other experimenters try it out. And since following myself would be weird, I was hoping a few of you would like to see if it's worth the trouble to catalog your lives.

Below is a video that describes Twitter. At the very least it's a well produced and interesting video.

If you like it go to twitter and sign up. My twitter page is:

Afterwards I'll report the pros, the cons, and any meaningful observations. It's either a 2 week test run of an interesting idea or a cool way to get a play-by-play of people's lives that you care about, but don't get to hang out with all the time.

Another reason to go back to school...

You ever wonder where students come up with money to do these things?

I was always worried about where my next Whopper was coming from, or how I could get the gasoline in my car to magically reproduce so I could make it to class on time.

These students in Israel must be in a whole 'nother class of their own, if they can focus on these kinds of socially ground breaking technologies:

TAU student develops software that ranks facial attractiveness

Something you wish you could teach your kids...

I know that training your kids to do interesting party tricks is a favorite pastime of parents, but if you could teach your kids to be this obedient, the world would be a more civilized place.

I must have this thing for robots lately, but they seem to be what pop up most in the articles/news that I've been coming across.

This kind of stuff is making me want to move to Japan:

The creepiest universal remote. Ever.