Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Should the people who are successful be treated fairly, too?

I suppose I can't let this election go without posting at least one interesting politically charged topic go by.

One of the proposals out on the table, I won't mention who is championing it by name, is that we tax people who make more than $250,000 more heavily.

I found this article, on the Fortune Magazine's website, that gives a perspective on who these "rich" people are.

I'm always worried when plans that come up that make those who work hard and excel pay extra for working hard and excelling. Don't they deserve fair treatment at the very least?

You should also look closely at the chart of the distribution of the amount of taxes paid by the higher income brackets. Taxes are already largely disproportionately paid by the upper brackets.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Crib Safety Recall

This actually has nothing to do with the theme of my blog at all, but I figure that sometimes it's good break with tradition.

I saw this video on Hulu about a recall on some hazardous baby cribs. We don't have one in particular, but if any of you do, I'd rather have this video out there at least one more time just in case it saves even just one person some grief.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The New Star Trek Movie

I found this post on the upcoming Paramount release of the Star Trek Pre-quel:

It seems to me like the cast look reasonably like their older selves. I couldn't get a good enough feel for the visual quality of the film from the photos, but they do give a good idea of the general look of the movie.

They're had better be a lot of explosions in space and aliens. Any science fiction movie with out explosions and aliens automatically gets low marks from me.

The Greatest American Hero

I know this post is linked to an older post from another blog, but I just found it today.

It has some pretty good info about a Greatest American Hero movie set to begin filming in 2009. In conjunction with the film, some animated episodes and "comic" novels will be release towards the end of this year.

It's kind of fun when the people, who were kids at the same time I was, decide to make movies based on stuff that was cool when I was a kid. It's like getting to live my childhood over again, except I can drive. Legally, that is.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

So who wants to get free stuff?

Microsoft is getting on the free stuff bandwagon with the SearchPerks program.

All you have to do is sign-up, let them watch you via small application (assuming you don't mind that sort of thing), and you get "tickets" as a reward for each search. Up to 25 tickets per day.

This kind of like Skee-ball for searching.

I think I'll test try it out. More on what I find later.

* You will have to use you IE 6+ to participate.