Friday, April 10, 2009

Watch your head,

For those of you who haven't had a chance to use Google Maps Street View, I would have to say that you're missing out.

It's pretty nice to be able to really see the building or place that you might be headed to. I've used it a few times, and I like knowing what the destination building actually looks like.

Google has hired a fleet of cars/vans/trucks, with cameras on top, to build these street "views. The cameras are usually mounted on the top of the vehicle.

This is where the entertainment of this entry begins. Things are kind of funny when something gets knocked askew. Things are even funnier when they happen with photographic evidence. I only wish it were a video camera on top of the car this time.

Google Street View camera + low bridge = uh-oh Webware - CNET

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Car Stereo Thieves Phone Home...

Okay, so one of my pet peeves is people stealing things from other people.

It's kind of the epitome of the parasitic nature of the "terrible" society we live in.

This article does bring a smile to my face, because sometimes the dumb people take themselves out of the game.

Technically Incorrect - CNET News: Kid's cell calls police while he allegedly boasts of burglaries

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Fire-Breathing Robot Babies

This is one of those things that defies descriptions. In fact, it bets to be judged entirely on its own merits. I will say that this is one of the reasons I consider living in Japan:

Gigantic Fire-Breathing Robot Babies Have Taken Over Roppongi