Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stitched together…


I took this picture(s) at the top of Timpanogus A & B falls (no not from the top of the mountain).  It’s actually 3 pictures that I took with my Nikon in panorama mode and stitched together with the panorama picture maker software.

DSCN1878I think it makes for a true representation of the view from the top near the falls.

The panorama mode is nice because after you take your first picture it shows an opaque portion of the right edge of the first “frame”. This lets you line up your next frame so that you can make sure you don’t have any missing portions of the shot.

On this hike I also learned the value of being able to manually adjust shutter speed and aperture.  You can really get a lot of the pictures right straight from the camera. I noticed that in the past I had to rework pictures with Photoshop in order to get contrast and color balance right.

DSCN1929With the right shutter speed and aperture settings, you can cut out probably 50% of the occasions to have to fix things on the computer. This picture, of whatever kind flower this is, is a good example of no-touch picture taking.


Next I’m going to experiment with some of the different color processing algorithms used to process the images in the camera. I’ll post some examples of the successful and not so successful attempts.