Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Marketing actually makes a difference...

I don't like being the M$ cheerleader. But I've been using M$ stuff like Office, Windows, SQL Server, Visual Studio, etc., for years.

For the most part I've been pretty happy with their stuff. Sometimes there are bugs, sometimes it's missing something that I'd really like to have. If it's bad I go looking for an alternative. Usually M$ catches up with the curve.

I found this site today, and wanted to say that sometimes a product is as good as its marketing.


Jared said...

What a fanboy! I'm no M$ hater, but man, I really don't like Vista that much yet. Just try copying 1000 files at once using Explorer and see how 'fast' it truly is.

It does seem like it's either getting better or I'm getting more used to it. Maybe by the time a few more service packs hit it'll be good to go.

Roy said...

Agreed. I am a somewhat a M$ fanboy. But mostly that OS's take years to evolve.

Ubuntu is even starting to get reasonably easy to use.